2010-10-20 16:34:39 来源:机械工业哈尔滨焊接技术培训中心网站 浏览:18342次
上海交通大学焊接工程研究所成立于1959年,是国家授予硕士点,博士点及博士后流动站单位。全所目前共有6个研究室,员工31人,其中教授8人,副教授9人,是集教育、理论研究、焊接技术研究与开发及工程应用于一体的研究机构。多年来承接课题及项目300多项,获国家级、省部级发明奖和科技进步奖22项,其中近三年承接项目三十多项,合同经费4950多万。5年来,在国内国际会议刊物上出版论文300余篇,出版专著5部。 Welding Engineering Institute of SJTU was founded in 1959. It’s an organization that was granted Master, Doctor and PhD programs mobile station by nation. There are 6 laboratories, 31 staffs, including 8 professors and 9 associate professors. It is an organization combines with education, theory study, welding technology research and development and engineering application. It has undertaken more than 300 projects for many years and won 22 invention and science-technology awards with state, province or ministry level. It has carried out over 30 projects and the contract capital is over 49.5millions in recent 3 years. It has published 300 papers in international or domestic conferences publications and journals, and 5 monographs in the past 5 years.